As industries shift towards sustainability, bio-based adhesives are emerging as a key solution for reducing environmental impact. 2Dx® AD-BIO, a graphene additive developed by 2D fab, is designed to enhance the performance of adhesives used in cellulose- and wood-based products. Britta Andres, project leader for “Graphene in Sustainable Glues for Renewable Materials” at 2D fab, has been at the forefront of this innovation. With a PhD in Engineering Physics and extensive expertise in materials development, Britta shares how 2Dx® AD-BIO is revolutionizing bio-based adhesives and overcoming the challenges of transitioning from fossil fuel-based alternatives.


Hello Britta! Could you start by telling us, what exactly is 2Dx® AD-BIO?

2Dx® AD-BIO refers to our new graphene additives for bio-based adhesives designed for cellulose- and wood-based products. We offer a series of tailored suspensions for corrugated board, fiberboard, particle board, paper products, and other cellulose- and wood-based applications. 2Dx® AD-BIO enhances both the material performance and production of these products.

How do adhesives with 2Dx® AD-BIO perform in comparison to traditional adhesives? 

Traditional adhesives perform quite well, making it challenging to compete. However, due to upcoming regulations and environmental and health concerns, the industry needs to transition from fossil fuel-based adhesives to bio-based alternatives. Bio-based adhesives often present production challenges, but graphene helps overcome these limitations, enabling a smooth shift to bio-based products. Adhesives with 2Dx® AD-BIO perform as well as, or even better than, traditional adhesives.

Were there any challenges encountered during the testing phase, and how were they addressed?

One of the key challenges was determining the ideal graphene grade and concentration for each application. To address this, we developed a new method for relating process parameters to graphene grade and concentration.

2Dx® AD-BIO boosts performance and facilitates cost-effective production

What specific results or insights have we gained from tests with 2Dx® AD-BIO? Have there been any unexpected outcomes?

We’ve observed very promising effects with 2Dx® AD-BIO across different adhesives. While the improvements vary slightly between glues, overall, the results have been very encouraging. We were pleasantly surprised by performance improvements of up to 60% at very low dosages, which has motivated us to continue exploring the material’s full potential.

In your opinion, what makes 2Dx® AD-BIO a standout product in the bio-based adhesives market?

In simple terms, it enables the profitable use of bio-based adhesives. 2Dx® AD-BIO boosts performance and facilitates cost-effective production of cellulose- and wood-based products.

Can you discuss the environmental benefits of 2Dx® AD-BIO compared to conventional adhesives, in terms of both carbon footprint and overall impact?

All 2Dx® AD-BIO products are made from natural graphite, water, and a small amount of stabilizing agent. Our emissions are close to zero, and the production process is energy-efficient, hydromechanical, and free from harmful chemicals. Additionally, 2Dx® AD-BIO not only reduces the carbon footprint of our customers by improving glue performance and production efficiency, but also helps replace harmful, fossil fuel-based adhesives with sustainable bio-based alternatives.