In various ways, researchers provide knowledge and new solutions to the green transition that is necessary, urgent, and highly relevant. In the middle of March 2023, the research centre Fibre Science and Communication Network, held a conference on wood fibre, cellulose, energy materials and resource-efficient manufacturing processes. The research centre, which is part of Mid Sweden University, invited our CTO Magnus Larsson, to be one of two keynote speakers. These are some of the questions he answered during his speech.
What is graphene?
Graphene is simply one atomic layer of graphite arranged in a hexagonal lattice. The material has a layered structure, with strong bonds in each layer, but weak bonds between each layer. Scientist have known about graphene for a long time, but the material was first discovered in 2004, when a couple of scientists managed to isolate graphene by using regular scotch tape on a piece of graphite.
How did graphene become such a hot topic?
The discovery of graphene was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 and had by then already become a hot topic within the scientific community. Graphene was a brand-new material, with superior characteristics. A super material, some would say. But graphene was not only a brand-new material – it was also the first 2D material to ever be discovered. Graphene provided the world with proof that 2D materials exist!