Together with partners, 2D fab has developed a graphene-based product tailored for the concrete industry. Leveraging past successes, the project now scales up production, marking a significant step towards sustainable cement management in Sweden.

graphene concrete industry

For several years, 2D fab, GRAFOAM, RISE, HIPOR Materials, Gunnar Prefab and SWEROCK have collaborated in a groundbreaking project aimed at developing a graphene-based additive for the concrete industry. The additive has potential to strengthen concrete and resistant to frost while requiring significantly less Portland cement. Building upon three successful feasibility studies, the project is now scaling up production.

This innovative technology is poised to play a crucial role in Sweden’s efforts to manage its cement supply sustainably. Through a demonstrator project, 2D fab and partners will verify previous lab results through full-scale field studies. Together with Swedish industry collaborators, the project will implement several sub-projects to incorporate the new additive into concrete production. These projects will evaluate the manufactured concrete’s strength, crack resistance, frost resistance, and environmental impact through life cycle analysis.

The project is designed to facilitate further development, scaling up, and manufacturing of the additive. It also includes the production and evaluation of concrete in collaboration with producers and clients. By contributing to the goals of Agenda 2030, particularly those related to reduced resource utilization and carbon dioxide emissions, the project aims to transition new graphene-based technology from lab to scaled-up manufacturing, benefiting the Swedish industry.

Currently, the project is in the concrete casting phase. In collaboration with SWEROCK and Gunnar Prefab, we are casting concrete center rails to evaluate salt frost resistance on Swedish roads. Later this year, we will also cast details for a wind power project in Kramfors municipality.

This project not only addresses the need for more sustainable concrete solutions but also contributes to the global effort to reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry. With ongoing field studies and collaborations, the future looks promising for graphene-enhanced concrete and its potential to revolutionize construction practices.